3 minute read


Here I’ll describe my Kubernetes (k8s) setup and how I resolved any issues I come across. Prepare to set sail ⛵️


I have setup dedicated VMs on my homelab as follows:

VM name Physical Host Role base-os Cluster
k8s-controller ark controller Redhat 9.3 Omega
k8s-worker-1 ark worker Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Omega
k8s-worker-2 moonbase1 worker Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Omega
(TBD) k8s-worker-3 moonbase2 worker Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Omega
trainer ark controller Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Alpha
Ironhide ark worker Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Alpha


I have deployed two separate kubernetes clusters. I use Alpha for development and testing and Omega for ‘production’ workloads.

The Alpha cluster originally came because I was taking the training course Linux Fondation LFS258 and I wanted to have an extra test bed to not interfere with my primary services. Additionally, I will often use this to test new releases of k8s and experiment with other configurations that may be harmful to my primary cluster.

I use Cluster context to switch between cluster in kubectl and k9s. The below describes the setup within Omega unless otherwise stated.

kubectl config use-context omega-admin@omega

I also have set my current namespace using kubectl config set-context <context> --namespace <namespace> to not have to keep adding the -n flag.

Autocomplete helps while running commands in the CLI. I have this in my .zshrc

#kubernetes autocomplete
autoload -Uz compinit
source <(kubectl completion zsh)



An S3 compatible object store solution for kubernetes that can be served on-prem.


Namespace for all monitoring related services. I am starting here as I like playing with and learning more about monitoring systems so this seemed like a good place to start.


To challenge myself and to work better with my networking setup, I opted to use ‘metalLB’ within the cluster to assign IPs and to handle load balancing when I plan to scale my pods. I assigned the AddressPool the range and modified my Unifi Network settings to keep the netmask to a but assign IPs in the range (range: - mask: This ensures no IP collisions as I was unable to figure out (at this time) how to make the metalLB interface be assigned via DHCP.

My ideal setup is to have MetalLB appear as a new device (unique MAC) and manage the IP via Unifi Network, keeping all IP configurations managed by the DHCP service.



I have setup the following deployments under the ‘monitoring’ namespace.

Name NFS share root Description Public Docs
uptime-kuma /volume1/metrics/uptime-kuma System/service monitoring. site
Graphite /volume1/metrics/graphite Open Source Time Series Database (TSDB) site
Grafana /volume1/metrics/grafana Graphing and Alerting platform site
Prometheus /volume1/metrics/prometheus Metric scrapper site
unpoller (null) Unifi Prometheus poller site



For persistent storage I have setup a separate NFS share on my Synology NAS and mount the volumes from the pod directly.

// TODO CFS plugin research. Is this actually even being used (?????)

I have noticed that this setup requires that the underlying kubelet has the nfs-utils package installed in order for this to work properly. Trying to launch a pod on a kubelet without this package installed results in a launch error and a backoff status. TODO: add to Ansible to install nfs-utils for k8s nodes


I am using a dedicate NFS share for minio’s object store, primarily for loki log storage.


One of my former colleagues introduced me to k9s and I absolutely enjoy using it. I have found using this to poke through logs has really improved my ability to troubleshoot my configurations while I am performing rapid testing. Likewise, being able to quickly delete a pod or an entire deployment has saved me a lot of typing. The shell launch option has been convenient, if a pod’s container has a shell enabled.

9/9, highly recommend k9s.io
